Ebru Gencer collaborated with ISOCARP President Ric Stephens and Erik Johanson from the Southern Pensylvania Transportation Authority for an article on the role of planning to increase resilience to climate change. The…

Ebru Gencer collaborated with ISOCARP President Ric Stephens and Erik Johanson from the Southern Pensylvania Transportation Authority for an article on the role of planning to increase resilience to climate change. The…
CUDRR+R partnered with Asian Development Bank for the report “Reducing Disaster Risk by Managing Urban Land Use – Guidance Notes for Planners.” Read the full publication: here. In order to reduce…
This is the first baseline study that identifies the types of authorities and capacities local governments have to undertake DRR actions and build urban resilience. The study develops benchmarks for…
The 2017 edition of the Handbook for Local Government Leaders provides essential steps, tools and practical examples for Making Cities Resilient. It is developed to support public policy and decision-making…
CUDRR+R’s Ebru Gencer and Wesley Rhodes have just published a new article titled “Toward Climate Resilient Development in the USA: From Federal to Local Level Initiatives and Practices since the…
Urban Climate Change Research Network’s (UCCRN) Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC 3-2) was released at the IPCC Cities Science Conference in Edmonton, Canada. More than 300 scientists,…
CUDRR+R and partners IIED-AL and ALTERRA have issued Policy Briefs for Climate Resilient Urban Development for the Cities of Dosqeubradas, Colombia; Santa Ana, El Salvador; and Santo Tome, Argentina as…
New publication from CUDRR+R and partners IIED-AL and ALTERRA about the results of the Participatory Decision-Making for Climate Resilient Development Project published at the Special Issue of Medio Ambiente y…
New publication of the Participatory Planning for Inclusive and Resilient Urban Development in Latin America project is available at Environment and Urbanization’s 30 year special issue on Climate Change and…
Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative published the final investigative reports of their funded projects. Please read our report: Planeamiento Participativo para la Resiliencia al Clima en ciudades de…