Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative Releases First Bulletin

The Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative (CRC) has released its first bulletin, featuring the project in Santa Ana, El Salvador with which CUDRR+R is involved. CUDRR+R’s partners in the CRC Initiative include IIED-Latin America and ALTERRA. The project is jointly funded by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Canada’s International Development Research Center (IDRC), and Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA).

To read the bulletin (en español), click here.

Workshop in Santa Ana, El Salvador Attracts Media Attention

CUDRR+R is pleased to share photos and media coverage from our successful workshop in Santa Ana, El Salvador.

As part of its CDKN/FFLA/IDRC funded project on Participatory Planning for Resilient Development in Latin American Cities, CUDRR+R, together with project partners, IIED-AL and ALTERRA, and local partners, the City of Santa Ana and Un Pulmon Mas, held a participatory workshop on Climate Resilient Development.

The two day event May 11th and 12th included a session open to the general public on the first morning.

@SantaAnaAlcaldia The official Facebook page of the Santa Ana Mayor posted photos from the event and shared a link to a news video by AMSA Noticias.

@UnPulmonMas advertised the event and shared 45 photos from the event and @DiariodeOccidenteSV reported the event with about 5 photos.

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