CUDRR+R partners with Asian Development Bank for the report “Reducing Disaster Risk by Managing Urban Land Use – Guidance Notes for Planners.”
Read the full publication: here.
In order to reduce disaster risk through urban land use management processes, urban planners need technical capacity to interpret disaster risk information and its potential implications for a city’s landscape. Planners may require political support and practical guidance on suitable entry points to incorporates disaster risk considerations into land use management processes, while recognizing that in doing so there may be financial, social, and political implications. This guidance note series is written for urban planners for the purpose of providing such directions.
Case studies include the following cities:
- Reducing Disaster Risk Through Land use Planning in Caterbury, New Zealand
- Use of Flood Modeling For Urban Development in Da Nang, Viet Nam
- The Role of Building Codes and Planning Systems in Reducing Earthquake Risk in Chile
- Reducing Disaster Risk in Urban Areas Through Urban Redevelopment, Istanbul, Turkey