Frontiers of Development: Disaster Resilience

CUDRR+R’s Ebru Gencer chaired “Efficient Post-Disaster Recovery Phase that Supports Well-Being and Diversity” session at the Frontiers of Development: Disaster Resilience Symposium that took place in Istanbul during 2-4 March, 2020.

The session discussed how post-disaster recovery and reconstruction strategies and action-plans can bring together multidimensional factors and crosscut their systems. Speakers provided a wide array of points including from Luis Carvalho, Civil Protection Agency of Amadora, Portugal; Amanda Lamont, Australasian Women in Emergencies Network (AWE), and Zeynep Gul Unal, Yildiz Technical University and ICOMOS ICORP/International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness.


CUDRR+R attended Workshop on Local-Level Data at University College London

CUDRR+R attended Workshop on Urban Resilience Metrics for Policy Action organized by the Bartlett Development Unit at University College London in September 26-27, 2019.

The aim of this meeting was to bring together practitioners working with different local level risk information methodologies to discuss how information is used for implementing disaster risk management at the local level. In addition to CUDRR+R, participants in the meeting include practitioners working with DesInventar, Action at the Frontline, ReMapRisk, CityRAP, SDI’s Know Your City, UNISDR Resilience Scorecard, 100RC, ARUP City Resilience Index and UN-Habitat City Resilience Profiling Programme.

This workshop aimed to provide a forum for sharing experiences of how risk information is used by local governments, policy-makers, practitioners and communities to act on risks.



CUDRR+R at the Global Platform for DRR

CUDRR+R’s Ebru Gencer attended the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, in Geneva that took place in May 2019. CUDRR+R was represented at the Local and Regional Governments meeting for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework as Ebru Gencer delivered a keynote speech. In addition, she chaired the “Using Gender, Age and Disability Responsive Data to Empower those left Furthest-Behind” side event organized by DRR Dynamics.

Ebru Gencer was also the Lead Author of the Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Urban Areas chapter of the 2019 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.

You can access the full report here.


Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments

CUDRR+R issued a Voluntary Commitment for the fulfillment of the Sendai Framework for DRR. The Voluntary Commitment reflects CUDRR+R’s ongoing work on Urban Risk Reduction and Resilience Building.

The Voluntary Commitment which is available at UNDRR’s Voluntary Commitment website is also published as part of a Commitments’ First Synthesis and Analysis report that was issued during the 2019 UN Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

To read this Voluntary Commitment and learn more about UNDRR’s stakeholder engagement for the implementation of the SFDRR, please visit:

New Words into Action Guides

CUDRR+R’s Ebru Gencer has contributed to two new Words into Action (WiA) Guides for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR.

These WiA Guides will especially support planners and technical officers. Please access these Guides at:

WiA Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation

WiA Guidelines Implementation Guide for Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Strategies

7th Steering Committee Meeting of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign

CUDRR+R attended the 7th Steering Committee Meeting of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign that took place at UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Program offices at San Pau, Barcelona. The Steering Committee worked on developing a road map to facilitate nations and cities achieve the goals of the Sendai Framework and the SDGs to achieve sustainable and resilient cities. The Steering Committee was chaired by UN-Habitat’s Esteban Leon. Among attendees were other steering committee members including UNDRR’s Ricardo Mena and Sanjaya Bhatia, UCLG’s Mohammed Boussraoui, Global Resilient Cities Network’s Braulio Eduardo Morera, University of Huddersfield’s Dilanthi Amaratunga and City Representatives, from Manchester City, Ms. Kathy Oldham, from Amadora, Portugal, Mr. Luis Carvalho, from Adeban, Jordan, Mr. Khaled Abuaisheh and from Makati City, Philippines, Ms. Violeta Seva.

Climate Resilient Cities Investigative Reports are Published

Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative published the final investigative reports of their funded projects. Please read our report: Planeamiento Participativo para la Resiliencia al Clima en ciudades de America Latina here

Voluntary Commitment for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019

CUDRR+R’s Voluntary Commitment for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 is published. The Voluntary Commitments of the Global Platform for DRR adhere to stakeholder activities that will be commitment for the undertaking of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

You can read CUDRR+R’s Voluntary Commitment for Urban Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building here