7th Steering Committee Meeting of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign

CUDRR+R attended the 7th Steering Committee Meeting of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign that took place at UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Program offices at San Pau, Barcelona. The Steering Committee worked on developing a road map to facilitate nations and cities achieve the goals of the Sendai Framework and the SDGs to achieve sustainable and resilient cities. The Steering Committee was chaired by UN-Habitat’s Esteban Leon. Among attendees were other steering committee members including UNDRR’s Ricardo Mena and Sanjaya Bhatia, UCLG’s Mohammed Boussraoui, Global Resilient Cities Network’s Braulio Eduardo Morera, University of Huddersfield’s Dilanthi Amaratunga and City Representatives, from Manchester City, Ms. Kathy Oldham, from Amadora, Portugal, Mr. Luis Carvalho, from Adeban, Jordan, Mr. Khaled Abuaisheh and from Makati City, Philippines, Ms. Violeta Seva.

Climate Resilient Cities Investigative Reports are Published

Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative published the final investigative reports of their funded projects. Please read our report: Planeamiento Participativo para la Resiliencia al Clima en ciudades de America Latina here


Voluntary Commitment for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019

CUDRR+R’s Voluntary Commitment for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 is published. The Voluntary Commitments of the Global Platform for DRR adhere to stakeholder activities that will be commitment for the undertaking of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

You can read CUDRR+R’s Voluntary Commitment for Urban Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building herehttps://sendaicommitments.unisdr.org/commitments/20190211_002

New Publication at Environment & Urbanization Special Issue on Climate Change and Cities

New publication of our project on Participatory Planning for Inclusive and Resilient Urban Development is out at Environment and Urbanization’s special 30 year issue on Climate Change and Cities.

You can download the publication here at:


Bangladesh Ministry of Planning Visit

CUDRR+R was honored to host a senior delegation from the Bangladesh Ministry of Planning on April 9, 2019. The representatives from the Ministry of Planning, Planning Commission, Urban Resilience Unit as well as representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Local Government attended. We had an interesting discussion about the efforts that are taking place in Bangladesh on urban resilience and how different disaster risk reduction and urban resilience efforts can help support ongoing projects.

New Partnership with Resilience Development Initiative

CUDRR+R is happy to announce our new-formed partnership with the Resilience Development Initiative (RDI). Resilience Development Initiative is a global think tank based in Bandung, Indonesia working on different aspects of urban development including disaster and climate resilience. With the birth of this new partnership, we are looking forward to collaborating with RDI on academic partnerships and future research related to #urban #riskreduction & #resiliencebuilding to #naturalhazards & #climatechange impacts particularly in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Please see further on RDI

