New Publication at Environment & Urbanization Special Issue on Climate Change and Cities

New publication of our project on Participatory Planning for Inclusive and Resilient Urban Development is out at Environment and Urbanization’s special 30 year issue on Climate Change and Cities.

You can download the publication here at:

Bangladesh Ministry of Planning Visit

CUDRR+R was honored to host a senior delegation from the Bangladesh Ministry of Planning on April 9, 2019. The representatives from the Ministry of Planning, Planning Commission, Urban Resilience Unit as well as representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Local Government attended. We had an interesting discussion about the efforts that are taking place in Bangladesh on urban resilience and how different disaster risk reduction and urban resilience efforts can help support ongoing projects.

New Partnership with Resilience Development Initiative

CUDRR+R is happy to announce our new-formed partnership with the Resilience Development Initiative (RDI). Resilience Development Initiative is a global think tank based in Bandung, Indonesia working on different aspects of urban development including disaster and climate resilience. With the birth of this new partnership, we are looking forward to collaborating with RDI on academic partnerships and future research related to #urban #riskreduction & #resiliencebuilding to #naturalhazards & #climatechange impacts particularly in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Please see further on RDI


Global Alliance for Urban Crises launches Knowledge Products

Global Alliance for Urban Crises launches knowledge products at Humanitarian Networking and Partnerships Week 2019

On February 8th, the Global Alliance for Urban Crises officially launched a series of knowledge products at Humanitarian Networking and Partnerships Week 2019 in Geneva. The products were produced by multi-constituency Alliance Working Groups, and focus on the key objectives, including urban profiling for a shared understanding of crises in urban contexts, stronger collaboration among actors through an urban protocol, mobilizing the right expertise in urban crises through the Urban Competency Framework, and shaping common goals through urban resilience.

Additionally, the Alliance participated in a session with Global Cluster panelists from UNHCR, IOM, RedR UK, and IMPACT Initiatives, on strengthening inter-sector coordination in urban areas. Following the inter-network session, the Alliance held an all-day members meeting, joined by Sami Kanaan, Mayor of Geneva and chair of the UCLG Taskforce, to discuss the creation of a platform in Geneva for local governments to engage with the humanitarian community and facilitate access to knowledge..

Visit to view and download the new Alliance Knowledge Products, and learn how to get involved.

 The Global Alliance for Urban Crises is a global, multi-disciplinary and collaborative community of practice. The Alliance acts as an inclusive platform bringing together local governments, built environment professionals, academics, humanitarian and development actors, working to arrive at systemic change in the way we enable cities and urban communities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to urban crisis.

Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation Conference

CUDRR+R presented its project on Participatory Decision-Making for Climate Resilient & Inclusive Urban Development in Santa Ana, El Salvador during the Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience Conference that took place in Dec 10-12, 2018 in Barcelona organized by the School of Architecture UIC Barcelona.

The Conference highlighted “the need for a more integrated and inclusive approach to design and manage urban resilience, addressing climatic, environmental, socio-economic challenges while minimizing trade-offs among them, and maximizing synergies between resilience and sustainability.”

For further information about the conference, please see:



Making Cities Resilient Campaign Steering Committee meet to commit further to Cities’ Resilience

CUDRR+R’s Ebru Gencer attended the Annual Steering Committee Meeting of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign that took place during the Barcelona Resilience Week in the auspices of the UN-Habitat’s Urban Resilience Hub.

Since its launch in 2010, the Making Cities Resilient Campaign has been serving to support local governments and cities reduce disaster risk and build resilience towards shocks and stresses. The Campaign’s redesigned products and tools in 2017 support the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

CUDRR+R and Partners’ New Publication on Climate Resilient Development in Latin America

CUDRR+R and partners, IIED-AL and ALTERRA, are happy to announce the first publication of Participatory Planning for Climate Resilient Development in Latin America project, published at the special issue of Medio Ambiente y Urbanización: Fortaleciendo la resiliencia al clima en ciudades de América Latina. The article displays the results of the 15 month project in the cities of Dosquebradas, Colombia; Santa Ana, El Salvador; and Santa Tome, Argentina.

You can download the article at:,-santa-ana-el-salvador-,-y-santo-tom%C3%A9-argentina/file.html

You can access the Special Issue of Medio Ambiente at:

CUDRR+R Shares Reference Library for Urban Planning and Risk Research

CUDRR+R is happy to share a library catalog for urban planning and risk research. The library will serve as a reference catalog for students and researchers and will be updated on a regular basis to reflect the state of the art in disaster risk reduction, resilience building, and sustainable development. The library will also cover readings that provide a base for urban theory, including philosophy and architectural and urban history. While the initial upload is based on the physical library at CUDRR+R offices, it will be extended to digital references in the future.

The Library can be accessed by going on the “Publications” tab at the top of any page and then clicking the “Library” button, or by clicking here.

CUDRR+R and Partners Issue Policy Briefs for Project Cities in Latin America

CUDRR+R and partners IIED-AL and ALTERRA have issued Policy Briefs for Climate Resilient Urban Development for the Cities of Dosqeubradas, Colombia; Santa Ana, El Salvador; and Santo Tome, Argentina as part of the Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative funded by CDKN, FFLA and IDRC.

You can read the Policy Briefs (en Espanol) here:

Esra Akcan’s New Book “Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg”

CUDRR+R’s Board Member, Esra Akcan has published a new book entitled Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA-1984-87 (Birkhäuser, 2018).

Esra Akcan’s new book explores the implications of the concept of “open” as a common metaphor in the era of global connections, and as a foundational modern value albeit prone to contradictions. It defines open architecture as the translation of a new ethics of hospitality into design process. In particular, it exemplifies the inclinations towards open architecture (or the lack thereof) in the context of the discriminatory housing regulations of an urban renewal development in Berlin’s immigrant neighbourhood Kreuzberg. Giving voice not only to architects and policy makers, but also to residents through oral history and storytelling, the overarching theme of non-citizen rights to the city allows for a joint discussion of the history of the twentieth-century public housing, the participatory, postmodernist and post-structuralist architectural debates, and the contradictory relation between international immigration laws and housing.

Esra Akcan’s new book has received endorsements from a multitude of academics and researchers.

“Under the rubric of an Open Architecture, this book provides a substantial survey and critique of the IBA reconstruction of Berlin in the 1980’s. Akcan proceeds to incorporate into her history of Berlin’s International Building Exhibition a demonstration of the incompatibility between democracy and the professional prerogative of individual design.”
Kenneth Frampton, Professor, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University

“A breakthrough work that combines deep research, interviews with the inhabitants of new and renovated apartments, with an incisive architectural critique of spaces, historically, and in use. A brilliant combination. This is what architectural history should always aspire to ‐‐ a model for all future studies. ”
Anthony Vidler, Professor, The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture, The Cooper Union

Please join Esra Akcan’s new book launch on June 27 at 6.30 pm at AAP NYC.